We are settling into our new rental nicely. I love how close it is to the park! It is great especially to walk our dog in. He loves going on walks and often marks his territory. I find it funny because sometimes he lifts his leg and nothing comes out.
I am trying to keep our house organized during our move, and it is a lot of work, but I am excited to get rid of things that we do not need. I will be getting rid of a lot of clothes and hopefully other junk. I love my clothes but I don't wear everything. Ooo. Idea: I am going to put away my winter clothes in a bin until the winter because then my closet won't be crazy full. I feel good about that idea. AND in case you forgot, this will be our last winter in Rexburg so we can get rid of all the winter clothes we have after!
Our sunny California vacation is in less than 2 weeks which also means my last semester of classes ends in less than 2 weeks. Party! We will be spending Pioneer day in Utah which should be fun because it is a huge state holiday there. We should find some fun things to do. We plan on meeting up with Caroline and Anna for some hanging out. When we get to California we will be staying at my parents' until Aug 2 where we will be going on a cruise with my in-laws! I am excited because it is really the only chance we will have to go on a cruise until probably the children are older and grown. If we are making enough money by the time we are done having new babies maybe we can go on a family cruise. I know we would have a lot of fun. Mom and Dad took me and my siblings on a cruise when I was 13 and it was such a memorable vacation. I look back fondly on that time. Anyhoo, after we get back from the cruise we will spend a couple of more days with my fam and then head back to Rex. We then will spend a month of doing nothing at home. (I will be completing my independent study children's lit course).
I feel fat which is weird because I have been working out lately. I think I am bloated and it must have something to do with all this stress! Oi, age you are not doing good things to me! Hopefully I will start shredding the pounds this week of my workouts.
I hired someone to clean our other apartment once everything is cleaned out. It is great not having to think about when I will find the time to clean. Hallelujah! I just need to keep our new place clean in the midst of it all... Plus my brothers-in-law are moving in for the 7 week break. I am exited because our house will be full and it will be fun and happy. I hope they aren't playing video games all the time. In fact, I am hoping to find George a job! Brian already has one. Jobs are hard to find here, and maybe he will have to expand his search to IF.
I just want to jabber about everything. Tomorrow is Monday and I will probably just be moving stuff over. Here is a list for my own reference:
- clothing bin and basket
- the rest of the kitchen supplies