1. We found a dog last weekend and he is basically a good dog. He just needs training to learn boundaries and manners. We have a soft spot for him, but we are not his forever home. I hope his family is looking for him. He has a collar but no name tag and no microchip. He is young. -sigh- poor guy. A friend is going to foster him for a little bit and hopefully find him a home. The shelters here are kill shelters and it would be so devastating for him to die because his family dumped and abandoned him.
2. We're going on vacation in 5 days! Marcus surprised me with a trip back to my family in California. I have been really homesick lately. After a fire and flood my parents' home is FINALLY rebuilt (after 2 years) and looking fabulous--I wish it was like that when we were growing up!
3. I was proud of myself for completing 3 loads of laundry yesterday. And I mean the whole shebang: washing, drying, folding, AND putting away!
4. I'm old enough to say "20 years ago" and remember things.... Speaking of: When I was in preschool I thought this boy named Michael was the coolest thing on this Earth because he had a black leather jacket and gel in his hair. Wow. One day I asked him if he liked my dress. It was a horizontal stripped green and black jersey knit dress. It wasn't beautiful but I liked it. He looked at me and then he looked at this other little girl wearing your Sunday's best dress with flowers and toulle (at preschool...) and he said he liked hers better. My heart broke for the very first time.
Another time in preschool I was sitting in the sandbox playing with a friend that had long black hair and tan skin. We were digging holes. She told me "you have a bee on your hand." Up to that point of my 3 years on this Earth I had never encountered a bee. I looked at it and it was a huge bumble bee waving its butt. I screamed because mom had warned me they could hurt me. I shook my hand to get it off me, but the deed was done. I had been stung. It (for lack of a better word) STUNG! I can still feel the hot venom in my thumb. I survived, and I am not allergic to bees.
My twin sister and I were not in the same preschool class, but one time they combined our classes and I thought her teacher was just so neat! She brought an iguana to school. We got to pet it. He fit on her whole arm and just sat there staring at us.
Sleep has always been one of my favorite things to do. We go way back. During nap time at this preschool I went down without any problems and I loved rolling my little pad out to sleep on. It seemed like I was asleep forever, on this particular day, and suddenly a large block tower fell to the ground inches from my face. I was now awake and terrified. I was being attacked. I still don't know why the teachers didn't wake me up after nap time was over...or why they let a kid build a tower so close to me...
Sometimes my class met in one small group and one big group. My small group was sitting at a banana table while the big group was probably practicing singing in another room or something. I think we were being tested or learning letters or something. Anyways, it was a long time waiting there. I felt the urge to pee, but you're not supposed to talk when the teacher is so I didn't know what to do. Then it happened-- warm pee filled my pants and underwear and fell under me. After the lesson I didn't move. I think my teacher caught on because she let all the other kids leave while I stayed in my chair. I was so embarrassed. I knew I wasn't supposed to pee anywhere but the toilet. Ashamed, I sat there waiting for my teacher to come back. She must have called my mom because the next thing I remember is my mom walking in and taking me to the bathroom to change into a new outfit. I was so relieved. My mom had saved me! That was the last time I ever peed my pants.
I am so afraid of spiders. SO. I think it stems from this one time. I was going out into the play yard and as I was doing so, I looked behind this air-conditioning-type-unit-thing and I saw it; A GIANT black widow spider. It was at least the size of a quarter. I told the teacher right away that I saw the spider. I wanted to touch it. It was pretty with the red, but I stepped a little closer and the teacher yelled "No! It's dangerous! Don't touch it!" Obviously as a 3-year-old that meant ALL spiders are dangerous and scary. Yeah, I think it's her fault I hate spiders. I don't care, kill them all.