Dear friends,
I am sick as can be. I guess it is just a cold...but just-a-cold when you're 33 weeks pregnant pretty much feels like death. My doctor said to take Sudafed to help with the congestion. It does help for about 4 hours but my energy levels are just declining. They couldn't prescribe anything for my sore throat and watery eyes.
Marcus gave me a blessing last night because I am really struggling with healing quickly. This trial has been given to me, I feel, to help me prepare for motherhood in a weird way. It is not going to be easy, and it is going to take some real juggling to be a mom and a full time student. My body began to feel less achy after the blessing. I am just grateful Marcus is in my life.
other news
Marcus brought me home some flowers and orange juice yesterday. It was so sweet. I know he is thinking of me. I hope every girl gets to experience someone's love that way.
45 days til baby girl is due. I hope she comes a little bit early. She is already almost 5 pounds! If she gains a pound a week until she is born she is going to be a big baby! 11 pounds! Let's just hope she only gains half a pound a week.
Marcus is done applying for the Collegiate Navy program that he has been working on since last month. He went to Salt Lake last week and had a MEPS physical to see if he is a healthy boy. He is. They needed some more paperwork from past doctor's visits though and then he will be officially waiting to get into the interviews. They will fly him out to Washington DC at the end of this month or next month. Hopefully it will be this month since baby is due at the end of next month. He'll need to go though. The Navy position means no more student loans and taking out debt. In fact, we can start paying off our debt! I am grateful to attend a university where our tuition has been subsidized by tithing, but I owe a lot of money.
We have decided to start a family tradition where we have Journal Sundays. Ever since I have been married my journaling has gone down immensely and Marcus never really journaled except when he was on his mission. I feel that Journal Sundays will give us a good time to write about our week and any experiences that happened. I am hoping this tradition will last until we are old and that our children will be able to keep their Sunday Journals and remember their lives.