Friday, May 10, 2013

Prince Charming goes to I.F. with a Kindergarten Class and Gets a Massage

1. Yesterday I was thinking about the guys I used to date before I married Marcus. It seemed to me like a couple of them wanted me to make the big sweeping move of offering a first kiss, or asking him to commit to just me. I, like mostly every girl, wanted to be swept off my feet and fought for, darn it! I grew up watching the Disney Princesses and their Prince Charmings where the princes would slay beasts and dragons and thorn bushes and evil step families. I wanted that same sort of prized feeling; I wanted to be the prize. One guy suddenly stopped talking to me, and it really confused me so he was left in the dust. Another guy seriously wanted me to kiss him first, and I could just tell because while we were sitting there looking at the stars and at each other he would not kiss me. He would just complain about whatever was happening in his life at that time and then stare into my eyes and not kiss me. Goodness. Anyways, Marcus strutted in my life with confidence and no experience, but he manned up and took the plunge. Now we are happily married.
These are most of the Disney Princes
2. We are probably moving to IF in December because that is where I am student teaching and since I am in the winter I do not want to drive that far in terrible weather conditions. Marcus will be commuting in the Spring so that we don't have to move three times in one year (from here to IF, back to here, then to SC.) We would rather just stay here, but I can't handle the driving thing. When we move, we are going to get a dog! In order to get a dog that fits us, I did a personality test and we should get some sort of terrier, or a pug, and I want a pug mix--maybe a pug/beagle mix. So cute. Pugs are friendly and hilarious, and beagles are more attractive. This is sort of the dog that we are looking for:
His name is Hershey and he is at a shelter in AZ. 

3. My kindergarten class was so surprised when they found out that I was a mother today. It was hilarious because I guess when they compared me to the other teacher I am much younger and I look younger than their parents (maybe). Naturally they wouldn't picture me with a family of my own.

4. Tomorrow I am getting a massage for Mother's day. My husband loves me and knows what I like! I am exited because my back has been really acting up!

1 comment:

  1. Puggles are so cute! I really want a pug one day, but I am sure we won't be able to get one until we have a real house. And enjoy your massage!
