Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Short Update

I know it's been a while, but I'm still pregnant and glad to be. At my most recent ultrasound they measured the baby and she is two weeks ahead in length, and looking healthy in all aspects. I am 33.5 weeks, and at 34 weeks they are putting me on modified bed rest which means that I can split time between the couch and my bed. Woo! New scenery. Marcus starts classes on Monday, and I am hoping I can handle life without him catering to my needs. Hopefully I don't overdo it.

Even if I make it to 37 weeks the baby will be here in 25 days. Wow! I'm going to have two children to bathe and feed in one month or less!

I have been preparing the house little-by-little--telling Marcus what I would like to be done and doing what I can from the bed (fold laundry, sell stuff online). We packed all the books from our bookshelf into diaper boxes which I think are perfect for moving stuff since they aren't too big and can't be overstuffed. After we packed the bookshelf up I sold it. Our room looks a little bit empty without it, but it's good to be getting rid of things so that I don't  feel overwhelmed when packing actually matters and I have a newborn to attend to.

I think the next few months are going to be an adjustment period. First, baby. Second, Move. Third, buy a house. Fourth, Marcus starts bootcamp. What am I going to do with myself?! God will help.

Recent Photos:

That is the baby's butt. Sometimes she sticks it out so far.

That is my completed turban headband that I made. 

I told Madeline to smile.. Close. She is getting the hang of it. haha

That is beautiful baby girl #2. I am excited to meet her!

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