This week I began two new challenging tasks.
1. Sleep training for Faye.
2. Working out.
The first task has been a remarkable success! Faye has gone from waking up every 2 hours to waking up once at night at 3:30am to feed and she goes right back to sleep. Here is what has worked for me:
- First, move your baby to her own room. I think being so close may affect them while they sleep because a mama's smell is so stimulating for little babies.
- Next, give your baby one last feeding at night when they start getting fussy. (Faye usually starts around 8pm).
- Put your baby in their crib.
- Leave the room.
- When the baby starts crying, begin a timer for 10 minutes. Do NOT go into the room before the time is up. Sleeping on their own is a skill that they need to learn.
- After 10 minutes is up then go into their room and pat their back and give them their pacifier if they take one. Do NOT say anything. Just give them the physical reassurance that you are there. Stay for 1 minute. Only 1 minute.
- After the 1 minute leave. If the baby starts to cry again, start the timer for another 10 minutes.
- Continue this process until she is asleep. (For Faye it has been going in 3 times, but the first night it usually takes a lot longer).
This has really been an amazing process for us. I feel more energetic and happier, and even felt like I could being working out to work off my baby weight, and to get fit.
The second task is still a work in progress. I am in really terrible shape. The bed rest I was on really stressed my body out. I want to be fit before we get pregnant with our next baby which won't be for at least a year, but it'll probably take me that long to be where I want to be. I have been using my Zumba DVD's. I have pretty much ZERO stamina. It is a bit embarrassing, but it starts with baby steps. So, for the past two days I have only had the energy to work out for 5 minutes, and then do stretches for another five minutes. But at least that is something, right? Anyways, I am proud of myself. I usually find time to do it after I put Faye down for her morning nap around 9am.
Also, I go up and down the stairs a bagillion times a day, so that has to count for something too, right?
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