Monday, November 23, 2015

This Week's Lists and Recent Pics

1. I have been spending too much time looking at houses on Trulia. I LOVE our current home, but it is not our forever home. So sometimes I like to picture where we may end up...even though I really have no idea. This could be a bad thing to do... I mean, I am happy where I am right now, but to know where we'll be settling down would be awesome!

2. Have you ever seen Property Brothers? I really want to buy a property and build that much equity into the home. There's one home that has an unfinished basement and it's on an acre+ of land in Idaho that seems like it would be great! It needs some updating but for the most part it is wonderful. How do they finance the renovations on those shows? I've heard of renovation loans, but not too much. I want SPECIFICS. But that would be years away.

3. Christmas lights are one of my favorite things to see coming up this time of year. I love them. They are beautiful and sparkle and light up my heart.

4. Waffle House. There is a chain of restaurants out here called Waffle House. This pregnancy I have been craving their Hashbrowns All-the-way. They have chili, gravy, jalapenos, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, cheese, and I bet I'm missing something. The thing is...they're amazing and they hit the spot every single time!

5. And recent photos:
We had a movie night last week and the girls were so happy because Marcus had been away for a few days and he came back and snuggled them while we watched a movie.

Marcus made banana muffins. The man knows my heart. 

She just wanted to take a picture with me.

She wrapped herself in a blanket and snuggled Marcus' lap.

She has been making this face lately. It cracks me up!

This girl is so beautiful in every way! Marcus makes pancakes on the weekends and he wanted to get creative this weekend and made butterfly pancakes for the girls.

He made a giant heart with our initials (the c is backwards haha).

This paper light project took WAY longer than I thought. Our wall is so long downstairs so we finally finished it around midnight. It took a total of 5 hours. Oi!

But it looks so whimsical and adorable. I love it.

Grateful List
  • Family time.
  • The crackling sound of fire.
  • Full tummies.
  • When my ears pop.
  • Banana muffins.
  • Listening to Madeline recite a book/story from memory (because she can't read just yet).
  • Friends that have the same morals and values as me.
  • Crossing things off my to-do list (literally).
  • Making plans.
  • A full pantry.
  • Watching my children eat breakfast.
  • When Faye is happy and content instead of temper-tantrumming.
  • Spur of the moment lunch dates with my husband.
  • Dance parties after breakfast with my girls.
  • Soft Kleenex/tissue for my nose when I have allergies or a cold.
  • Water. I love it! Favorite drink ever.
  • The things my body can do like kick, jump, run (if needed lol), dance, kneel, patty cake, jump rope, chicken dance, rock/sway, taste, hear, smell, etc.
  • The way my children get so excited when their papa comes home (including Sampson).
  • Baby snuggles.
  • My dog Sampson.
  • Date nights even though they are few and far between.
  • Spirit-guided lessons in church.
  • The leaders of the church. The prophetic counsel I have received over the years has been a great guiding tool for me to use pretty much every day.
  • Building blocks because I love seeing my children's creativity.
  • Girl's nights.
  • Friends that come over to chat, or let me drop by on a dime. 
  • Flea Markets and Yard Sales because recycling and reusing on a budget is fantastic!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

4 Things and 17 Weeks

1. This past week I have needed to pee so often. With my previous pregnancies this didn't happen until my third trimester. But MAN. Tonight it's been every half hour. At least I'm hydrated!

2. Next week marks half way done (based on Madeline and Faye's gestation)! Soon, I will be on bed rest and starting my progesterone shots *eeek*.

3. I got a delicious Caramel Apple Cider from Starbucks last week when we bought Madeline clothes. So. Good. Please do yourself a favor and get one!

4. My sister got a tumor removed from her breast a couple days ago. I am hopeful it is benign. We will know for sure next week when the results come back. They didn't bother to do a biopsy beforehand since it was already golf ball-sized. So, just a reminder to everyone-- DO REGULAR BREAST EXAMS. Even you fellas. Melanie caught this tumor because she was doing her regular self-exam. Get used to how your breasts feel usually and then you will be able to spot if something doesn't feel normal.
Breast Self-Exam Patterns. Just follow the patterns and feel for lumps/hard spots monthly. 
AND, here's this week's grateful list.
  • My husband's job.
  • My children's health...they only ever get colds once in a while.
  • Our car! (We just cleaned it out :D) 
  • The prophets and apostles. When I start to lose my cool I remember words spoken by wise men.
  • Loving parents that raised me as best they knew how. I think I turned out pretty alright. 
  • Hot chocolate and fuzzy socks on cold days.
  • Fuzzy blankets.
  • My past goals/decisions which have helped me to grow into the person I am.
  • Nail polish and nail clippers so I can feel pretty. 
  • Great conversations with people around me--especially conversations that help me understand other people better and where I feel like I can laugh all the time. 
  • Nap time. I need a nap. The kids need a nap. Naps are good for this house.
  • Photographs of my family from the past and present. I love how easy it is these days to catch special moments on film and how easy it is to get them on canvas or prints. 
  • Lysol Disinfectant Spray.
  • Candy Cane Kisses.
  • Baby Snuggles.
  • Vacuum cleaners.
  • Deodorant. (Can I get an amen for that one?!)
  • Any time my mom calls. 
AND my pregnancy update:
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 10 pound loss (not complaining since I wanted to lose 20 pounds anyways)
Sleep: This pregnancy, unlike my previous ones, my back has been hurting so much! I'm not half way yet and it's so uncomfortable when I try to sleep.  
Best moment this week: My in-laws are visiting and it's nice to have them here.  
Food cravings: Ice cream, steak.
Anything making you queasy or sick: My husband's new deodorant. 
Have you started to show yet: Yes!   
Kind of a wonky side picture, but here is the 17 week bump. 

Leakage: Noooo.
Gender prediction: Boy? 
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: MOODY!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep when the kids are down for a nap. 
Milestones: Nothing this week.   
Maternity clothes? Still wearing some from my last comfortable and cute. 
Have you told family and friends: Yes! Everyone is excited. 
Movement: Big kicks every now and then. 
Labor Signs: Noooo. Wayyy too early!
Belly Button in or out? In.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Did You Make Forts as a Kid?

1. It rained and rained on Tuesday so we made a fort. Can't beat that. Madeline enjoyed it more than Faye. Faye's too cool. She would rather eat chips. :)

2. I have already started listening to Christmas music. I love this time of year. Absolutely. It warms my heart. Don't be a hater. "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

3. I made this 24 Days of Service calendar for my family to focus on during the month of December. I am excited to make it a tradition.

4. Madeline had a make-believe dinosaur named Sabrina at lunch today.

5. I love this picture.

My Grateful List this last week.

  • Dinner with friends.
  • Being invited to do things even though sometimes we can't participate/go. The thought touches my heart. I feel important when people extend invitations. 
  • Good massages. 
  • When my sweet husband runs errands for me.
  • The smell of fall and rain.
  • People with musical talents.
  • Breakfast in the morning with my children and a clean house.
  • Christmas music (any time of the year...but not the crappy pop kind...the real stuff by Amy Grant and the like).
  • How Madeline builds things out of random objects. Yesterday it was a dragon made from a computer mouse, chapstick, mascara, a brush, and a couple other things. She is just so creative.
  • Friends that will babysit in an instant when needed.
  • Hot food fresh from the oven/stove.
  • The smell of mulled cider.
  • Modern medicine and technology. So many people are given the chance of not only a better life, but a life at all. I use my Inhaler often enough to know I would have died as a pioneer.
  • Surprise packages from people who love me.
  • The perfect outfit. The one I know I look good in so I carry myself more confidently.
  • My testimony that is engraved on my heart and soul. It is woven into every particle of who I am.
  • The fact that my husband and I are a team and that we have the same values/morals which guide us to make choices and life decisions whilst on the same page.
  • Ponytails and messy buns because...darn it...I don't always do my hair. :) 
  • Sweet treats like banana muffins or brownies.
  • When people sit next to me in church even though sometimes it takes me a little time to start up a conversation.
  • Pedicures. I haven't gotten one in a while, but I feel so darn cute and put-together when I do get them done.
  • My sweet puppy dog Sampson. 
  • Mascara and Lip stain,
  • My old journals that I can look back on.