Uncontrollable. Scary. Immoral. Unjust.
These are a few words that come to my mind when I think of the world I am raising my children in. I am not typically a pessimist but when I gave birth to that first little gift from God...I became wary. This world has so much in it that I am terrified for my children to be exposed to. I have to teach them to travel in twos because the possibility of them getting raped is 1:5. My heart is crying thinking about anyone or anything hurting them.
That being said there are so many things that are great about this world; our technological advances, our medical information, the opportunity to get a good education. All this is wonderful.
I want my daughters to grow up believing and hoping for the best. Seeing the best in others. I want them to find people to admire. To help model their lives after. I want them to have so many influences of goodness, love, and compassion. Who are these influences?
My project for this year is called "Women to Admire." I am going to be researching and writing one blurb about one woman a month. Each woman will be someone who holds specific talents, and traits that allow them to do incredible things with courage. Your definition and my definition of incredible may be different, but I believe even small things like teaching a child to walk, or forgiving someone for lying/cheating/stealing are incredible things. These women will be real woman. Some have lived difficult lives. Some have lived blessed lives. But they have all taken their circumstances and lived for something good and better. That, to me, is something to be admired. I hope when you read about these women that you are touched and maybe even look further into their lives. I hope they help you, like they have me, to become someone better than I am today. Keep an eye out for these posts. The first one is coming at you sometime this week.
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