Wednesday, September 11, 2019

"Me" Time

When your life is controlled by little monsters that spread peanut butter on your lower cabinets, and pee half in the toilet and half on the ground in front of your toilet, it is essential to find some time for yourself--"me" time. Unwinding for me usually only happens after bedtime...which can be read as "an hour after bedtime" because that's how long the kiddos take to stop coming out of their room. 

My me time:

For me, journaling is probably the most therapeutic and useful thing I do during me time. As I write my insights and thoughts about the day my ideas and experiences get sorted out. Then I can solve problems and see ways to improve my life and myself. I also often make lists in my journal; lists about talents I have, my goals for the week or year, people I can contact when I need advice, ways to love my husband, things I am grateful for, etc. 

Have you ever heard of Paint by Numbers? Well, you can buy these packs on Amazon and they are awesome! I am currently working on a canvas of sunflowers. It takes a lot of time and detail work but the finished product is awesome and then I feel like a true artist--move over Picasso! Anyway if you need an idea for something to do when you are bored I highly recommend this activity. 

Of course the most common activity I pursue during me time is tv-watching. Binge watching is my favorite thing. Speaking of, Netflix has a new concept with one of its newest shows "The Great British Baking Show" where it airs one new episode every week. For me this is a downfall. Who are you, Netflix? Cable? It is disappointing to not be able to watch the whole season. 

What do you do during me time? I am looking for more options as bed rest nears closer and closer. Please comment and let me know!


  1. time....I love to sketch, draw, oil paint. I really enjoy observation. When you are on bedrest, you could do a 30 day challenge--draw________(fill in the blank) every day for 30 days. It could be a person, animal, noun, landscape, idea, etc. They are so much fun!
