Sunday, May 27, 2012

Goals and Visiting Teaching

So, this weekend I have had tons of homework because of midterms. It is one class, but the class has a TON of work. Good thing it is 4 credits. I wouldn't want to do all this work for only 2 credits.

Anna is visiting with us! We are so glad, plus she is lovin' all over little Maddy. It is nice because I can actually have a few moments to myself (like shower) without worrying if Monkey is crying. She is getting so big!

We got her pictures done yesterday. A photographer in town was having a free-baby special so I went and the pictures will be up next Saturday, so keep your eyes peeled.

Yesterday I made tomato soup from tomato sauce and heavy cream. I added some seasonings and then I made grilled cheese. It was delicious! And today I made my Taco Soup. I am trying to be more of a cook. It is quite the challenge to cook, and have a three-month-old, and go to classes, AND do homework. How does anyone do it? Anyways, I am going to try my best to cook for my little family. I'm thinking I will make the menu on Sundays and then shop on Mondays and then cook every week.

This month for visiting teaching we had to pick our messages from one of the General Conference talks from April 2012. I found a great segment from Elder Packer's talk:

From the talk “And a Little Child Shall Lead Them” by Boyd K Packer

Around the turn of the previous century, two missionaries were laboring in the mountains of the southern United States. One day, from a hilltop, they saw people gathering in a clearing far below. The missionaries did not often have many people to whom they might preach, so they made their way down to the clearing.
A little boy had drowned, and there was to be a funeral. His parents had sent for the minister to “say words” over their son. The missionaries stood back as the itinerant minister faced the grieving father and mother and began his sermon. If the parents expected to receive comfort from this man of the cloth, they would be disappointed.
He scolded them severely for not having had the little boy baptized. They had put it off because of one thing or another, and now it was too late. He told them very bluntly that their little boy had gone to hell. It was their fault. They were to blame for his endless torment.
After the sermon was over and the grave was covered, the elders approached the grieving parents. “We are servants of the Lord,” they told the mother, “and we have come with a message for you.” As the sobbing parents listened, the two elders read from the revelations and bore their testimony of the restoration of the keys for the redemption of both the living and the dead.
I have some sympathy for that preacher. He was doing the best he could with such light and knowledge as he had. But there is more that he should have been able to offer. There is the fullness of the gospel.
The elders came as comforters, as teachers, as servants of the Lord, as authorized ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

And then I thought I would add my little blurb at the end: This is our mission as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; to be comforters to those in need. We are representatives of the Savior Jesus Christ. He died for us, so let’s pay it forward.

What do you think? 

Anyways, I know that it is my responsibility to make sure that my sister's are cared for and loved. I hope they like me. I have only met one, and she seems nice but she seems like she is done with school. I like her though. 

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