Thursday, July 26, 2012

City Creek Mall and Cheesecake! Mmm

Mine and Marcus' hands on our way to Utah!

Maddy sleeping on the way down to Utah. She feel asleep leaning forward. What a cutie!

This last week has been great! I was stressed at the beginning of it because we were embarking on a huge adventure with our little one who is only 4.5 months. Surprisingly she was very good on the drive down to Utah. When we got to Utah we stayed with Caroline and Nick! We missed them so much! They are having a baby in November. We get to find out the sex today! She is so stinkin' cute with her pregnant belly. I kinda miss that, but at the same time I am so excited to be able to go to Six Flags on Friday with Alicia and actually ride the roller coasters. It will be so much fun! While we visited Caroline we went to the City Creek Mall, a new mall in Salt Lake City. It was huge and beautiful! There were tons of water features, including a waterfall that Maddy just loved to death. There were two things wrong with the mall though; 1) There were no rentable strollers for us to rent for Madeline, so we had to carry her everywhere, and 2) It was WAY expensive! Caroline baught three water bottles (Nestle brand) for $7.00! Are you kidding me?! No. Anyway, it was nice.

Me, Maddy, and Caroline waiting for our slices of Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory

Diving in! We had Raspberry Lemon and Dulce de Leche! DIVINE.

Half Eaten.

We went to Macy's and there was a Sattle display. We couldn't resist putting Maddy on.

This is Caroline holding all the stuff while I took pictures and Marcus held Maddy. Everything was about to fall!

This is a beautiful little flower garden at the mall. 
We had so much fun with Caroline. Later that night we hung out with our other friends Lauren and Bruce, and Lauren and Caroline's sister Holly came with her fiance and three of their kids. Holly's husband died last year and it is so wonderful to see her continuing to live life. Her new man is fun and kind.

Marcus and Bruce really hit it off. They talked for so long about economics...And the girls talked about having babies and labor. It was a good time.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like so much fun! We were going to hang out with Caroline and Nick over Fourth of July, but it didn't work out. And that's good to hear about Holly. I will always be so sad for her. Anyway, it sounds like you had tons of fun.
