Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Baby Bump Pictures and a Scare

Lately I have been feeling the baby as it moves around inside my uterus. It is a pretty neat feeling…imagine you’re on an elevator and you jump just before it takes off and you land right after it takes off—you know that feeling? It is a lot like that mixed with that feeling you get while you’re spinning in circles really fast. After a while I start to feel a little nauseous. BUT it is really exciting to be able to feel it moving. I’m pretty sure Marcus will be able to feel the baby moving in a few weeks, but as of now I am the only one who gets to experience it. Sometimes I wake up and the baby is on my bladder. It’s mornings like that when I storm to the bathroom and if someone is in the shower…it really sucks! But I digress. Being pregnant is a new and exciting part of my life and I will be happy to experience that special time in my life when I do not have to deal with morning [all-day] sickness and other fun pregnancy happenings.
Here are some pictures of the bebe and the bump!
Baby Thackeray at 10 weeks
15 weeks

17 weeks side view

 We find out the gender November 2nd! Marcus doesn’t want to find out, but I do. He will be at the ultrasound where they tell us. I wonder if he will stay in the room or not. Hmm. I’m sorry I am not as done up as I could be in those week 17 photos. I just woke up and I figured it would be a good time to take them.
Melanie asked me if I was getting fat yet. I told her no. do you agree? I think if I were walking down the street no one would be like “man, she’s pregnant” or “man, that chick is fat!” No. I think I look normal. My older sister, Alicia, didn’t really start showing until she was about 7 months and my twin sister started showing right away. The difference is that Alicia has a super long torso and Melanie has a super short torso. Mine is more toward the long side, but not quite as long as Alicia’s. Therefore, I think I will start to show around 6 months. That is one month and three weeks away. We’ll see how much I will gain. I lost a lot of weight during my first trimester but I just gained that all back. So, we will see.

I am a little worried today though because at the last doctor appointment I got my blood drawn so they could see if there were any markers for things like Down Syndrome. They called me yesterday and the day before to talk about the results which I hope is not a bad thing. But the last time they took my blood they told me they wouold have the results back in a week and so I called a week later and they said they usually only call people about their blood work if it comes back irregular. That is why I am worried. They called twice. I missed the call the first time—for some reason my phone didn’t alert me that someone even called—and the second time I was in class. I called back, but it was after hours, so I am waiting until this morning when they open to call. I am nervous. I will let you know what the results say. If they are irregular, I will have to get an amniocenteses  This is where they stick a large needle into my belly to get some samples of the amniotic fluid around the baby. They will use that for further testing. 

The results are in. My test was positive. This means that it is not time to worry, but it is time to make an appointment to see a perinatalogist. They are going to do a special Ultrasound and while they do this, they will be able to see if there are any physical signs of disability. If they see any signs they will recommend I do an amniocenteses. My appointment is October 25th at 10am. I hope Marcus will be able to make it. But this doctor comes in from Utah once every other week, so, when he's here you gotta go. 

Mom said some comforting words to me this morning though when I was freaking out. She said that this baby is the baby God intended for us at this time. Marcus and I will be able to handle the challenges that come up because the situation is in the Lord's hands. We just must have faith. I am worried about financial things. If the baby does end up having problems, how will we make it? We are barley making it as it is. But, everything will work out. This I know. So I shouldn't worry then, right? Okay, I'm not worried, just nervous. 


  1. Wow, Christi, I hope everything is okay. However, I have no doubt in my mind that if anyone can handle a mentally-disabled baby and take care of it just the way it needs to be taken care of, it's you. I think you are gifted that way. I think you would be an amazing mom for any baby that comes your way.

  2. Thank you. :) It means a lot to me. I am not stressed about it anymore. It already is what it is, and it's jut my job to love and protect it. :) I can do that.
