Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Murder, She Wrote," What's New, and Pictures

Last weekend we spent time with some extended family in Utah for Anna's baby shower. We had a great time relaxing and I am not looking forward to the long week ahead... Marcus had to go back to Utah last Monday for some labs and then again on the 13th for his physical; it's just normal annual check ups for his job. 

1. We watch a lot of Murder, She Wrote as an "unwinding" show when I get home from school or when we just need to sit and think about nothing for a little bit. It's an old show about a lady who writes murder mystery novels and then finds herself in actual real life murder mysteries where she acts as a detective. It's old school, but I still enjoy it. The acting isn't all that good. 

2. I am going to be making Valentine's breakfast. I was thinking something like this:
This is made with Nutella! Mmmm. It's basically stuffed french toast loaded with Nutella and yum yum strawberries!

3. My sister-in-law, Anna, had her first baby this morning after a LONG labor (from 7am yesterday when her water broke til this morning) at least compared to my 3 hour labor. She had little Brian the 2nd at 12:10am. They are both happy and healthy. I can't wait to see pictures!

4. Madeline grabbed my hand yesterday and took me to hide in her closet and then when we were done hiding in the closet she took me to hide under the kitchen table. I think we will be making a fort in the near future! After we were done with the hiding thing she took me to play in her room and she was talking and talking and I only understood about a third of everything she said. It was something about animals. She is becoming so interactive and fun!

5. I feel a little pulled-in-all-directions lately. A lot of people keep asking me for favors. I don't mind helping people out, but lately it has been a lot more than usual, and I am sitting all stressed from school, but it's okay. I know helping people raises my Oxytocin levels and that it actually will help me cope with the stress better. I'm just having trouble having enough energy to keep up with all that is required of me. Sometimes all I can do is take care of me which is especially important at a time like being pregnant when the baby inside is effected. But then I feel all guilty for not being able to help others out. It is such a vicious cycle and I hope people understand that it is not personal when I can't help out. Just know, I am doing my best. Please understand.

6. Here are some pictures I found on Marcus' phone.
I miss her being this little! She has grown so much. 

From when we went on the cruise. 

They must've just gotten back from a walk or something.

We got this horse at a garage sale for $3! It has been a great investment. 

Me and my cuddle dog. He was pretty calm when this was taken. 

She built a wall around her toys. She was very particular where she lined them all up. 

Last week Madeline got into a pen and broke it during her "nap" time. We went and got her and found this. 


  1. Gosh, what a growth difference before those first pictures and then that pen picture! Her legs are so long. And when Travis was a baby, Brandon found a permanent marker and drew all over Travis. Reminds me of Maddy's pen incident. : ) Stinkers!

  2. Isn't it weird?! She's kinda a real person walking and talking!
