Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sex on TV Disgusts Me and Short Hair.

Dear world,

I am so tired of television. I mean...I'm tired of sex in television shows. For instance, I'll be watching a perfectly great tv show and the producers seem to think that sex is a MUST in a show. But I remember Boy Meets World and how that show was amazing and sex was brought up, but it was never really the reason for the show. I feel like nowadays tv shows revolve around sex and intimacy. Guess what...I'd rather watch the Food Network, or HGTV. I am just annoyed. Bones, the television show, is such an intriguing show and then they started putting sex in pretty much every episode and now I can't find out what happens to the characters because I feel the Spirit of Christ leave my home when that show is on. It sucks. Stupid sex. I also would hate for my husband to see another woman's bare back or stomach...not to mention other body parts.

Bodies are supposed to be sacred like temples. Showing them off and showing off how you use them during intimacy is wrong, crude, and frankly it disgusts me. I do not want my daughter to be exposed to the lack of care people have for themselves. Not that I think sex is a disgusting thing...but it should be a prized thing and a sacred thing between you and your spouse. No one else should know what goes on between the two of you. Isn't that part of the fun of it? Being able to have a secret between husband and wife...a secret that no one else knows or ever will know?


Now, I have been thinking about getting a mom-do for a while now. We're talking at least five months. I absolutely love long hair and how beautiful it looks when it is curled, and how good it looks if I straighten it. But here's the thing... I don't do m hair anymore. I don't. I have a three month old and school and homework. I juggle a lot of things and I feel frumpy when I go out in public because I do not have time to do my hair...and when I do have time I am usually so tired, or it's the end of the night and then what's the use? I want to look presentable all the time with little effort. The best way I know how is to chop off my hair. I have natural curl so I can quickly put mousse in it and there you go; cute short curly bob in 2 minutes. But everyone I am telling about cutting my hair says not to... It's very discouraging. Like...will I look bad if I do it? Would it be worse then when I don't do my hair at all? Also, another thing I forgot to mention... Maddy is starting to pull at hair... I don't want her to pull my hair out. It's already falling out naturally all by itself. That brings me to another point--I am losing my hair. I hear that happens a lot after you give birth. Well, my hair is EVERYWHERE. When my husband cleans out the shower pipes there's huge clumps o' hair. I find it on the sofa, the area rug, Maddy's clothes, my bedding--EVERYWHERE. A solution? Chop it off.

I want to be cute. I want to be elegant. I want to be beautiful. Throwing my hair inn a messy bun everyday does not say any of those things. Rather that says: frumpy and lazy. So, I think I've made my decision. Please don't try to convince me otherwise. It has been one of the toughest choices, but you'll understand when you have kids and work and homework and cleaning and errands. I guess it would be alright if you wanted to come over and do my hair everyday while I did my homework. That would be awesome. Until then... I am going to chop it off and buy some mousse.

My honey supports my decision and in fact...he encourages it. He thinks I will look AWESOME with a short haircut. He's been trying to convince me for a few months... and also I am feeling a bit rebellious since people have been telling me not to do it. I love you guys, but telling me not to do something just makes me want to do it. I'm not usually one to rebel and displease, but this seems like something I can get away with while still obeying the commandments and following church doctrine. Although, admittedly I sometimes don't stop at this one stop sign because I feel it is more of a yield sign.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't get this to post on your w/d post...
    Your blog is on the list of my blog roll...ere go, I read it :D
    Also, I actually disagree with you about w/d. I prefer front loaders and am dreaming about a new set, stands and everything.
    Can't wait to see a picture of your new hair cut!
