Thursday, June 21, 2012

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days where I wanted to just quit. I feel like sometimes everyone in this one class I have expects me to be perfect, and I am far from it. They point out all the mistakes that were made and maybe one or two things that were good. Today was just bad. I am on my cycle, and I just got sick or maybe it's horrid allergies but my eyes are watery and my nose is runny. My mommy and big sister just left and now it's just my little family again; definitely a bitter-sweet feeling. All these things just make me tired. Plus I have the responsibility of motherhood. It's a joyous calling, but still a lot of work. Also, when I came home today...the house was a true mess.-sigh- I don't want to clean. I just want to sleep right now. Cuddle in my bed and sleep sleep sleep.

On the up side...

Maddy is so cute! She is a ticklish little girl. I tickle her sides and her feet and her neck. She giggles and giggles. It makes me love her more and more. One thing that she does that is really funny but probably shouldn't be laughed at is when she is really into eating her bottle and then it slips out of her mouth she cries hysterically. It's a quick fix in those situations. We love her so much. Also, she has the best bottom-lip frown anyone has ever seen. I've tried to get it on film, but she moves around too much to get a really good one.

Auf Wiedersehen


  1. Hang in there Christiana! You're awesome, truly! Heavenly Father is always backing you, even if it seems like no one else is. I still want to meet Maddy so bad :) I love you lady, always will.

  2. Aw. Thank you Bails! I am hanging in there. I am excited for my life after college. I want to settle in a home and be done with apartments. I want to do what I know? Anyways, we'll be in Utah next month. But only for a day. On the night of the 21st. We're staying in Salt Lake, but maybe when we come back from our vacation... IDK. We'll plan.

  3. Lets do! And actually, if you'll be close by, we're planning an Open House for people to meet Avery the weekend of the 12th in August. You guys are definitely welcome to come!! Facebook me your address and I can send you an invite :)

  4. Okay :) We have a family reunion around that time in UT so it might work out nicely :)
