Thursday, July 19, 2012

Random Thoughts on Some Religious Stuff

Unit 2:1 “Keep Yourselves in the Love of God”

Those that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ will have mercy, peace, and love multiplied to them if they contend for their faith. The appropriate ways to contend for our faith include: doing missionary work, fulfilling callings to the best of your ability, going visiting teaching, talk about Christ, do as He would do, serve our fellow beings, and be kind to everyone.

The “first estate” is referring to our premortal existence. There were a third of God’s children who followed Satan into darkness and chose not to go with the Plan. All those who are on this Earth, have been on this Earth, or who will be on this Earth with mortal bodies are those who, while in the first estate, accepted God’s Plan.

Moses was a righteous man, but there was this one instance in his life that he murdered an Egyptian. Satan tries to claim Moses’ body after he was to die because he feels that because Moses committed such a grievous sin that he would be damned. That is what the argument in Jude is about concerning Moses, Satan, and Michael, the archangel. We learn from “The Assumption of Moses,” an Apocryphal book that was not canonized because it was not felt to be correct in every particular even if we did learn some truths from it. 

We, as Latter-Day Saints believe that the bible is true as far as it is translated correctly (Article of Faith 1:8). This means that there are even some things in the bible we are unsure of, but as much of the bible that has been translated correctly is what we believe to be the word of God as much as the Book of Mormon is the word of God. 

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