Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Feel GREAT About Yourself

How to Feel GREAT About Yourself
1. Love your home.
2. Exercise regularly.
3. Make goals and accomplish them. (I like to create a check list and cross off the item once I am finished).
4. Take time getting ready and looking good/polished.
5. Eat good food.
6. Get organized.
7. Keep a good relationship with God.
8. Go on regular dates with your spouse. (If you are not married, have fun being with other people).
9. Be social. Make new friends, and keep in touch with old ones.
10. Learn new things everyday.
11. Smile all the time.
12. Compliment others.
13. Get enough sleep.
14. Forgive others and don't hold grudges. Realize that others may be having a bad day or even a bad decade. Sometimes others need your grace just as much as we all need God's.
15. Allow the grace of God to fill your life because when you've done all that you can do the Lord will give you a break and carry you the rest of the way.

You may already do all these things, and you may do none of these things, but I have realized when I am at my happiest and least stressed times it is because I am doing all of these things. I admit that I don't do all of these things all the time, but I am going to try and make it a habit.

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