Thursday, March 7, 2013


There was a fairly recent discovery of a creature near Japan; the Frilled Shark. It is "prehistoric." A girl in my class was talking about it for her "practice" lesson for elementary students...all I could think about while she was talking about it was "that looks like a [insert word here]." Do you agree? What do you think it looks like?

Look at all the rows of teeth! 

It's just from that view though. Other views are:

The gross gills.
It's a disgusting mixture of eel and shark... *shudder* 
That is not the only thing going on in my life. I gotta say Maddy's first birthday was a smash! Here are some pictures:

Gift from mom and dad.

That cake was delicious!


Blowing out the candle. She actually did it! 

She LOVES tissue paper...and toilet paper for that matter. 

I just think she looks so pretty in this picture. 

Me and my bebe. 

Maddy has an early love for books!

One of my favorites!

That's one of Madeline's boyfriends, David. He is so shy, but so cute. His mom is Becca. We are good ol' friends.

Proof that Marcus was there too. 
Her party was a success. Marcus and I made cupcakes, cucumber sandwiches (which were a HUGE hit for whatever reason), muddy buddies, and chips. Lemonade, too. It was a lovely afternoon. Becca said that it reminded her of springtime which made me happy because I am craving Spring. I hate Winters here in Rexburg. They are always so darn cold. I miss the sun, flowers, birds, playing at the park...etc.


  1. I wish we could have been there! Her hair is so red now. And she is looking more and more like Tyler to me. Miss you guys!

  2. She is really fun! I bet she misses you. I wonder if she will still like Jacob...she is still pretty cautious around Men. I'm okay with it.
